办公室位置:优德88 517
Email: [email protected]
2006-2010年 华中农业大学植物科学技术学院 植物科学技术专业 获学士学位
2010-2016年 华中农业大学植物科学技术学院 作物遗传育种专业 获博士学位
讲 师 2016-2021年 优德88
副教授 2021年至今 优德88-优德体育
4. 指导学生获得全国大学生生命科学竞赛优胜奖1项,三等奖1项;大学生创新创业训练计划项目国家级1项,省级1项。
5. 指导学生参加团中央“七彩假期”志愿服务项目及湖南省第一届“芙蓉学子· 乡村振兴” 公益计划项目。
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(31701462)
2. 国家自然科学基金区域联合基金重点项目子课题(U19A2029)
3. 湖南省科技厅青年项目(2023JJ40279)
4. 湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目(21B0490)
5. 农业农村部油料作物生物学与遗传育种重点实验室开放课题(KF2020011)
6. 木本油料资源利用国家重点实验室开放课题(GZKF202204)
1. Zhang Dawei, Zhou Hongfeng, Zhou Dinggang, Wu Jinfeng, Liu Lili, Guo Yiming, Wang Tonghua, Tan Chen, Chen Daozong, Ge Xianhong, Yan Mingli*. The introgression of BjMYB113 from Brassica juncea leads to purple leaf trait in Brassica napus. BMC Plant Biology, 2024, 24(1), 735.(JCR分区Q1/中科院2区Top)
2. 周弘峰, 朱思颖, 贺丹, 刘丽莉, 陈道宗, 谭晨, 张大为*, 严明理*. 紫叶甘蓝型油菜花青素合成的转录组-代谢组联合分析. 华北农学报, 2024, 39(3): 25-34.
3. Huang Wei, Jiao Ruyu, Cheng Hongtao, Cai Shengli, Liu Jia, Hu Qiong, Liu Lili, Li Bao, Wang Tonghua, Li Mei, Zhang Dawei*, Yan Mingli *. Targeted mutations of the BnPAP2 leads to yellow seed coat in Brassica napus L. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2024, 23(2): 724–730. (JCR分区Q1/中科院1区Top)
4. 邓森文, 张德朝, 方建林*, 王博, 杨帆, 罗斐晖, 黎婷, 张大为*. 大田条件下油菜镉积累特征. 华北农学报, 2023, 38(S1): 125-130.
5. Peng Jiashi, Zhang Xuejie, Xiong Jiani, Zhou Ying, Wang Weili, Chen Siying, Zhang Dawei*, Gu Tianyu*. Characterization of genes involved in micronutrients and toxic metals detoxification in Brassica napus by genome-wide cDNA library screening. Metallomics, 2023, 15(12):mfad068. (JCR分区Q2/中科院2区)
6. Li Ting#, Li Yicun#, Wang Jiaqi, Peng Jiashi, Liu Lili, Deng Lichao, Zhang Dawei*, Yan Mingli*. Expression in A. thaliana and cellular localization reveal involvement of BjNRAMP1 in cadmium uptake. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2023,14:1261518.(JCR分区Q1/中科院2区Top)
7. 黎婷, 王家琪, 霍卫聪, 吴金锋, 彭佳师, 周定港, 严明理*, 张大为*. 芥菜型油菜NRAMP基因家族的鉴定与表达分析. 中国油料作物学报, 2023, 45(4): 711-719.
8. 邹婷, 刘丽莉, 向建华, 周定港, 吴金锋,李莓,李宝,张大为*,严明理*. 芸薹属植物MYBL2基因的克隆及其在A、 B、 C基因组中的PCR鉴别. 中国农业科学, 2023, 56(3), 416-429.
9. He Dan, Zhang DaWei*, Li Ting, Liu LiLi, Zhou DingGang, Kang Lei, Wu JingFeng, Liu ZhongSong, Yan MingLi*. Whole-genome identification and comparative expression analysis of anthocyanin biosynthetic genes in Brassica napus. Frontiers in Genetics, 2021;12:764835. (JCR分区Q2/中科院3区)
10. 贺丹#,杨太桦#,黎婷,吴金锋,彭佳师,刘丽莉,张大为*,严明理,李再云.甘蓝型油菜ZIP基因家族全基因组鉴定与表达分析.中国油料作物学报,2021,43(03):392-404.
11. Shao YuJiao, Pan Qi*, Zhang DaWei*, Kang Lei, Li ZaiYun. Global gene expression perturbations in rapeseed due to the introduction of alien radish chromosomes. Journal of Genetics, 2021, 100(2):1-13.
12. Zhang DaWei#, Du YunYan#, He Dan, Zhou DingGang, Wu JingFeng, Peng JiaShi, Liu LiLi, Liu ZhongSong, Yan MingLi*. Use of comparative transcriptomics combined with physiological analyses to identify key factors underlying Cadmium accumulation in Brassica juncea L. Frontiers in Genetics, 2021,12:655885. (JCR分区Q2/中科院3区)
13. Zhang DaWei, Liu LiLi, Zhou DingGang, Liu XianJun, Liu ZhongSong, Yan MingLi*. Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of anthocyanin biosynthetic genes in Brassica juncea. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2020, 19(5): 1250-1260. (JCR分区Q1/中科院1区)
14. 张大为,杜云燕,吴金锋,周定港,刘丽莉,刘忠松,严明理*. 镉胁迫对甘蓝型油菜幼苗生长及基因表达的影响. 中国油料作物学报, 2020, 42(4):613-622.
Brief introduction to Dr. Dawei Zhang:
Zhang Dawei received his Bachelor's degree in Agronomy from Huazhong Agricultural University in 2010 and his Doctor's degree in Crop Genetics and Breeding from Huazhong Agricultural University in 2016. Since 2016, he has worked at the College of Life Science and Health, Hunan University of Science and Technology.
He mainly focuses on creating Brassica germplasm resources and understanding the molecular mechanism of related agronomic traits. The research topics are related to two areas. 1) Using B. juncea and B. napus plants as the research material, try to explore mechanisms of heavy metal absorption, transport, and accumulation, and engineer Brassica with safe rapeseed and high heavy metal accumulation in other parts for phytoremediation in the field. 2) Using B. juncea and B. napus with purple leaf and yellow seed traits as the research material, predicts the synthesis and regulation genes of anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins, verifies the functions of key genes, and uncovers the formation mechanisms of leaf and seed coat color in Brassica.